Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ultra(sound) Experience

Yesterday, we had another class at the Center for Clinical Education (CeKU...from the Danish, obviously). These are usually my favorite days because they are hands on and hands down AWESOME. Yesterday was no exception.

We learned that in Denmark, doctors, not ultrasound technicians, are responsible for obtaining ultrasound images. These images are then passed on to radiologists for interpretation. After less than five minutes of intro, the medical students teaching the course directed us towards the "expensive toys" and told us to make the most of our time. They taught us how to maneuver the transducer (the head part of the ultrasound machine) to obtain transverse and sagittal images. I had always thought the image showing on the screen was right below the transducer as if the transducer was looking into the body. Nope, educated. Thanks, Denmark!

We were then challenged to look for important organs such as the heart, liver, kidney, bladder, and uterus.  Let me tell you, watching the aorta pulse in real-time?....fantastic. Everyone had a chance to locate each organ, and almost everyone had a chance to be the victim patient.

Matthias (TA) pointing out various organs in the image.
Photo Cred: S. Kass

So much fun! Best quotes of the day:

"Are you sure you even have a heart?"

"1: I really need to pee.
2: Good, let's look at your bladder. Then go pee and come back and we'll look at it again."

Oh man, the two hours passed quicker than it ever has before. Can't wait for more of this goodness!

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