Saturday, January 26, 2013

Disease and Compensation

DISCLAIMER: This post is going to be kind of all over the place because that is how the last couple of days have been. Bear with me here...

I've been sick and out of  commission for the past two days. Coming down with a fever and having to brave a walk home in 25°F weather with the chills is not the business. It did, however, make me very grateful that DIS had urged us to bring cold/flu medications because they aren't as easily purchased here in Denmark. So for future reference, stockpile the meds, the painkillers, the birth control, etc. before you come because it's illegal for it to be mailed to you once you're here! It will definitely come in handy. I was talking to one of my classmates the other day who suffers from insomnia. She didn't bring her serotonin thinking she could get some here. Long story short, the past few days have been miserable for her.

I missed three classes on Thursday, including a special tour of the Radiology department at the Gentofte Hospital with my Human Health and Disease course. I am so disappointed. :< Also, sort of an epic fail as the Medical Practice and Policy program blogger. Sorry!

Spending the day in bed does have its perks though. I got caught up on some TV reading. No joke, a few of my courses assign ~60 pages of reading per class. That's about 200 pages of reading per week. I'm either going to master the art of judicious skimming or die trying.

On the evening of my second day of deathly illness, I finally mustered the strength to wander upstairs for some dinner. I was immediately roped into our weekly Friday party. The student council here at the International People's College (IPC) decided that this week's theme would be a Costume Party. We were directed downstairs to the costume room...and the pillaging begun. Just a few pictures to illustrate the chaos of the night:

Hristijan (Macedonia) as some sort of Greek King,
 Kristyn (DIS) as a Nicaraguan/French Queen 

Leopold (Belgium/Mexico) as a stunning geisha,
Anna (DIS) is either a Russian Bunny or a  Playboy

Tucker (USA), Yuichiro (japan) and Gyurgy (Czech Republic)
as a skiing pimp, terrifying woman, and...Matrix Medusa? respectively.

Can you guess how many males and females are in this picture?

Overall, a good time had by all! :)

Absolutely everything we are wearing in these pictures was found in the magical Costume Rooms. It was like a thrift shop of Macklemore proportions.

Also, woke up in the morning to this brunch spread. Ample compensation, I would say, for these past couple days of misery...

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