Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why Denmark?

When I tell people that I am studying abroad in Denmark, their first question is almost always, "Why Denmark?"...followed closely by "So...where is Denmark anyways?"

Both very valid questions. When I first considered studying abroad, I thought for sure I would finally get a chance to go to Australia. Then I was informed about the giant spiders that I would be expected to co-inhabit with and Australia was emphatically crossed off the list of dream study abroad locations. Having not gotten very far in my planning besides "Oh my God, Australia!", I was awash in a sea of possibilities -- Japan...Mongolia...Scotland?? I wanted to go somewhere that would allow me to learn more about the world outside of the United States but I also didn't want to completely abandon my pre-med focus for an entire semester. When I voiced these concerns to my pre-professional advisor, he paused for a second before announcing, "I have just the program for you."

That's when Denmark entered the picture.

The Danish Institute for Study Abroad. Dr. Verrier told me about the awesome Medical Practice & Policy program where students would learn from actual doctors and see first-hand how the European healthcare system differs from the American. My interest was piqued, but when he told me about the week-long study tour throughout Europe that was integrated into the curriculum, I knew my mind was made up. I was going to study abroad in Denmark.

I won't profess to being an expert on Denmark. A quick Google search of Denmark has now equipped me to locate Denmark on a map. I also know that the Danish have been repeatedly ranked as the happiest people in the world. Beyond that, I have much to learn.

Can't wait! Two weeks until Denmark!

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